Touched up my dashboard a fair bit.Trying hard to make it look more pimp with my feather and fur combo.Most of my friends just feather,so I trying hard to have my own identity.And not forgetting my trusty Pivot Baby Turbo-Timer to cool off my engine.But my nose really itches with so much fur and feather...
Finally,a blog for our die-hard and hardcore vanning group.It was at the spur of moment after speaking with Alan,ex-100,soon to be 2oo member.After 2 forums,clubs,we finally have our domain again.
After so many years,and change of vans,Liteace and Hiace,most of us are still in contact(thankfully),and some have progressed on to cars(good for them),but their contributions in the past is still remembered.Cos we got to know each other through vanning,and became friends through bonding (sounds like a poem).
So,to keep the 1st post short,do stay tune for updates,be it posts or photos (i have alot),please do not PM me for photos ok?Drive well,speed safely!